
17 Tips How to Play Omaha Poker from Basic to Complex

To become a master, you need to learn how to play Omaha poker from the basics. You’ll be having fun in no time once you understand how the betting works and all of the hand rankings, even though it may seem overwhelming at first. 

Depending on whether you’re playing Omaha or Pot-Limit Omaha, there are slight differences in the betting and pot distribution. Hey Lo, but every game has the same basic guidelines and mechanics.

How to Play Omaha Poker: from Basic to Complex

Players in Omaha Poker have to make their best five-card poker hand using both face-up and face-down cards. This game is a community poker game. In this game, players place bets after each of the three stages in which the community cards are dealt, just like in Texas Hold’em. Alright, let’s explore how to play Omaha poker.

Learning the Basics

The first step on how to play Omaha poker is learning the basics first. This will help you to build expert strategy in the next game soon. So, you have to read carefully as this is the core of the poker game. 

1. Be Familiar with the Hand Rankings for Poker

In Omaha poker, the hand rankings are the same as in Texas Hold’em and other variants of the game. Knowing which poker hands are better than others will help you place right bets when playing this game. From best to worst, the hand rankings are as follows: 

  • Royal Flush: 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace in the same suit of the game
  • Straight Flush: Any straight in the same suit, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of hearts
  • Four of a Kind: 4 cards with same rank
  • Full House: 3 cards with the same rank plus 2 cards of the same rank
  • Flush: Any 5 cards with the same suit
  • Straight: 5 cards that are consecutive on rank, such as 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
  • Three of a Kind: 3 cards with the same rank
  • Two Pair: 2 cards with the same rank plus 2 different cards with the same rank
  • One Pair: 2 cards with the same rank
  • High Card: It can be any card, but the higher the better (Ace value is the highest card).

2. To Win the Pot, Try to Make the Best Five-Card Poker Hand

On how to play Omaha poker, the player with the best five-card hand at the conclusion of each round wins. Omaha poker allows you to build your own hand with the cards dealt to you and the community cards (dealt face up on the table to all players) that are available to all players. 

You want to select the cards on the table and in your hand at the end of each round so that your hand ranking is as high as possible. In Omaha Hi Lo, the player with the best hand and the player with the lowest possible hand are the two winners at the end of each round. In that example, you might try to get the smallest 5-card hand rather than the best.


No matter what hand a player has, the pot is automatically won by the last player positioned when all players except for one fold before a round is over.

3. Your Poker Hand Is Made Up Of 2 Cards from Your Hand and 3 Community Cards

On how to play Omaha poker, each player gets 4 face-down cards when playing Omaha poker; these are referred to as your “hole cards.” The 5 community cards are then placed face up on the table as the game goes on. You have to use two of your hole cards and 3 of the community cards when you make your best hand at the end of each round.

For instance, you could only use 2 of the 4 kings, if they were dealt face down, to form your best hand. On the other hand, you could only use 3 of the 4 kings face up on the table to form your best hand.

Starting the Game

After learning how to play Omaha poker from the basics, now we will move to starting the game. This will be kind of a bit confusing, but you can figure it out by reading slowly. 

4. Give One of the Players the Dealer Button

The dealer button on how to play Omaha poker is a chip that is passed around clockwise during play, just like in Texas Hold’em. The player who has the dealer button at the start of each round in this game at home is in the position of dealing cards.

The button is still passed around to show who goes first when you play at a casino, even though the dealer is always a casino staff working the table.

5. Wait for the Placing of Blinds by the Two Players to the Left of the Dealer

A blind is a first bet that is used to force players to place a bet in order to continue playing that round. There is a small blind and a big blind in Omaha poker. The small blind is played by the player directly to the left of the dealer button, and the big blind is played by the player to their left.

  • The small and big blind amounts on how to play Omaha poker are typically fixed when playing at a casino. You can decide with the other players what you want the blinds to be when playing at home, such as MYR 1 for the small blind and MYR 2 for the big blind. Just remember that the big blind is always equal to the minimum bet
  • Typically, the small blind is worth half of the big blind
  • Place the blind on the same table where you would commonly place your bet if it is your turn to post one.

6. Allow the Dealer to Deal Every Player 4 cards, Face Down

Another thing on how to play Omaha poker, the player to the left of the player holding the dealer button starts the deal. It then continues in a clockwise direction. The 1 card should be dealt to each player by the dealer at a time. After each player has gone around the circle twice, the dealer should deal them a second card, and so on, until all players have 4 cards.

If you’re at a casino, this will be handled for you by the person manning the table. The player who has the dealer button should deal out the cards if you’re playing at home.

Playing a Round

We are pretty sure that you have got the points on how to play Omaha poker. However, we are not finished yet. We will give you some understanding in playing around. This needs a little practice at home after. 

7. Wait for Call, Raise, or Fold from Player to the Left of the Dealer Button

In order to determine whether to bet or fold, the player to the left of the dealer button has to look at their face-down cards (without revealing them to other players). They will now have to make their decision entirely on the basis of their hole cards because there will be no face-up community cards. 

On how to play Omaha poker, they ought to place the bet in the middle of the table if they call or raise. They ought to throw away their cards if they fold.

8. Bet in a Clockwise Way until Someone Calls, Raises, or Folds

The player immediately to the left of the first player would place a bet, followed by the player directly to the left, and so on. On how to play Omaha poker, last to bet is the player holding the dealer button. You can bet as much as you want during your turn in Omaha Hi Lo as long as it equals or exceeds the big blind.

9. Ask the Dealer to Deal 3 Cards, Face up, on the Table

These 3 cards on how to play Omaha poker are the first three community cards and are referred to as the “flop.” In order to ensure that every player can see them, the dealer should set them up in the middle of the table, face up.


It’s important to keep in mind that every player may use three community cards, no more and no less.

10. Let Every Player who Hasn’t Folded to Place Another Bet

Unless that player has folded, in which case the next player to the left bets, begin the second around the circle by starting with the player to the left of the dealer. On how to play Omaha poker, you and the other players can begin to determine more clearly what kind of hand you have now that the community cards are face up on the table.

11. Make a Deal with the Dealer 1 More Card, Face up, on the Table

The “turn” card is the one that needs to be positioned face up next to the first 3 community cards. There ought to be 4 community cards on the table at this point.

12. Wait for the Payout of All Remaining Players’ Bets

The betting on how to play Omaha poker continues in the same way, going clockwise around the table. Players are limited to those who haven’t folded yet. When it’s your turn to place a bet, keep in mind that you have 3 choices. You have 3 options: fold and discard your cards, raise by betting more than the previous player, or call by matching the amount they bet.

13. Ask the Dealer to Deal 1 Last Face-up Card

The last community card on how to play Omaha poker is referred to as the “river.” There won’t be any more cards dealt for that round once the dealer deals the last community card.

14. Let the Remaining Players to Place a Final Bet

If you’re still in the game, find the best 5-card poker hand you can make by comparing your hole cards and the community cards. Recall that you must play 3 community cards and 2 of your hole cards.

Place a high bet to increase the pot and increase your winnings if you think you have a better hand than anyone else. On the other hand, since you won’t be getting any more cards that round, it might be best to fold if you don’t think you have a strong hand.

Winning a Round

Hold on… We are arriving to win a round on how to play Omaha poker. This will help you to increase the winning while you play poker on the best online casino Malaysia later. So, take your time a bit more!

15. Turn All of the Remaining Players’ Hole Cards Face up

Next, see the other players’ hands by looking around the table. You can skip this round and wait for the next one if you’ve already folded.

16. Give the Pot to the Player with the Best Hand

The player with the best hand wins the pot on how to play Omaha poker. When the hand with the highest ranking says the win, a new round begins. The winners split the prize money in the case of a tie.

17. Choose A Winner with the Best hand and a Winner with the Lowest Hand

On how to play Omaha poker, the winner emerges as the player holding the strongest hand, while the defeated counterpart finds themselves with the weakest hand. Each victor claims fifty percent of the entire sum. 

To secure the superior hand segment, one must possess the most exceptional poker hand amidst the remaining contenders. Conversely, in the phase of inferior hands, it is mandated to maintain the lowest hand, with the ace occupying the lowest rank.

Final Words

Mastering Omaha poker requires a comprehensive grasp of hand rankings, navigating through the game’s various rounds, and grasping the foundational principles of the game—essential strides toward evolving into a skilled player. Despite its initial complexity, as you delve into its regulations and intricacies, it transforms into a stimulating and formidable endeavor.

Ultimately, achieving mastery on how to play Omaha poker equips you with a formidable hand and the capacity to anticipate your adversaries’ actions while adjusting your tactics accordingly. This poker variant amalgamates expertise, tactics, and a dash of fortune at the table, culminating in a riveting and ever-changing game.


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